Santa Barbara
Alyssa + Chris
Two lovers who decided to get married in a place that is so special to them and their relationship. See how Alyssa and Chris enjoyed their big day in the beautiful city of Santa Barbara, California!
Park City
Lauren + Brandon
Lauren and Brandon spent the entire weekend in the beautiful mountains of Park City, Utah. They, along with their closest family and friends celebrated their union in a very intimate wedding at the Washington School House Venue. An amazing experience, to say the least.
Utah Wedding
Sariah + Atelea
Sariah and Atelea couldn't have planned out a more ideal wedding event. From their Temple Sealing, to their intimate family dinner and ending it with a beautiful reception filled with traditional cultural celebrations from both family and friends, this was one special day for the Tahi's!
San Francisco
Walter + Melissa
"This exceeded beyond any expectations Walter and I had... We knew your skills were immaculate, and I'm blown away at your gift to digitally story-tell what sometimes words can't."
- Melissa Manuofetoa
San Marcos Wedding
Na'a + Jasmine
"The video is unreal!! Made me cry all over again. We knew choosing y'all was the best decision we could've made." - Jasmine
Minnesota Wedding
Liz + Marty
Liz and Marty decided to have their wedding on their private property in Farmington, Minnesota. Despite a little bit of wind and tornado warnings throughout the day, this special day was incredibly hard to ruin with all of the celebration and amazing optimism throughout the day.
Oahu Wedding
Liki + Olivia
"Muka and Cass, I am absolutely in love!! Thank you thank you thank you!"
- Olivia
San Bernardino Wedding
Ervin + Katie
"Thank you guys SO much! We are absolutely obsessed with it!"
- Katie Leuga
Waikiki Wedding
Kaivai + Chelsea
It's extremely hard to film a bad scene anywhere in Hawaii so this wedding was most definitely one of the more easy films to create. Kaivai and Chelsea enjoyed an amazing celebration alongside so many of their supportive family and friends.
Little Sahara Desert
Aj + Tianalei
"We keep rewatching it! It totally showed our relationship. I'm obsessed!!
- Tianalei
Horseshoe Bend
Alex + Blanca
"We couldn't have asked for a better film of our day. You guys bring back all of the emotions every time we watch this. We are so grateful for you, Atigas."
- Alex